Abner Serd

Author | Humorist | Storyteller

Day 81: Vilas to Woonsocket, SD

Well, we had a long way to go to get to food and water today. When we finally reached Country Pumper, the gas station/ restaurant a few miles west of Artesian, we realized it might be our only food stop all day, so we made it count. We stayed a good two hours and never stopped eating.

Yesterday was supposed to be hot, but because of the wind, I never felt it. Sure could have used more of that wind today. Seemed like it was hotter at 8 pm than it was at noon.

It’s summer, and every living thing is trying to make the most of it. Unfortunately, that includes bugs. The mozzies are swarming, filling every pool of shade, waiting for a tired traveler to stop in for a break. I’ve pulled several ticks off me the last two days. Really need to get to a hotel room, so I can give myself a thorough tick check. And if it’s not mosquitoes or ticks, it’s gnats or ants. I almost wish I could leap forward to the fall, when nighttime temperatures begin to dip below freezing.


One response to “Day 81: Vilas to Woonsocket, SD”

  1. kay Avatar

    Phew. Hard day.

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