Abner Serd

Author | Humorist | Storyteller

Day 66: Wabasha to Bear Valley, MN

Bear Valley isn’t on the map, except as a cemetery. But I saw several Bear Valley signs in the neighborhood, so let’s just say that’s where we stopped for the night.

It was a hot, muggy day. We spent most of it on infrequently traveled county roads. After breakfast in Wabasha, we knew we had to make 20 miles before reaching the Oak Center General Store, where we believed we could restock on food and drink. And our belief was correct, sort of. Just not the way we expected.

5 responses to “Day 66: Wabasha to Bear Valley, MN”

  1. Kay Avatar

    Love the undulating multi colored fields of green

  2. Kay Avatar

    Looking at google maps, you are in serious farm country now!

  3. KCT Avatar

    Hmmm… interesting store! It MUST have been a hidden camera social experiment… you’ll find yourself on a TV show one day I’m sure! I love a good foggy morning… but you can keep the mugginess… yuck!

  4. Ben Avatar

    I recall deer and horse flies becoming a major issue once we arrived in Minnesota on our cross country bike trip years ago. I have a friend who has attached a bit of duct tape to the top of his hat which the flies end up stuck to. It might be worth a try should they become too pesky.

    1. abner Avatar

      They haven’t been that bad so far. I reckon the season is nearly past. Same with mosquitoes, although I got bit a bunch of times this morning (rail trail through the woods west of Faribault). I was heading for town, and hated the thought of sitting in a cafe smelling like insect repellent. Probably should have slapped some on regardless.

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