Abner Serd

Author | Humorist | Storyteller

Day 63: Osseo to Mondovi, WI

Back on the trail again, as we follow the Buffalo River State Park Trail from Osseo to just outside Mondovi.

Unlike the other trails we’ve been on, this one is open to All-Terrain Vehicles. ATV tires tend to turn hard-packed dirt into loose sand, which isn’t fun to walk on. That said, I’ve never seen a more considerate group of ATVers than the dozen or so who drove past us today. Everybody waved, and not a one of them was going faster than 10 miles per hour.

Okay, one of them may have been going 20. But that was first thing in the morning, and I’m sure he had places to be and things to do.

2 responses to “Day 63: Osseo to Mondovi, WI”

  1. Dianne Cable Avatar
    Dianne Cable

    Pity the atvers didn’t stop to let you explain what you were doing. Another audience lost.

    1. abner Avatar

      🙂 this is whatchamacall stealth marketing. Maybe someday they’ll hear of a book called The Legend of Pedestrio, and it’ll remind them of that backpacker they saw once …

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