Abner Serd

Author | Humorist | Storyteller

Day 60: Wisconsin Rapids to Sherwood, WI

Randomly chosen image of a store sign in Pittsville

Yesterday we talked about pushing a little harder in order to finish our journey sooner. Today we catch a glimpse of what that might look like, as we are in the middle of a three-day, 70-mile march – and stores and restaurants are far between, so it’s nine miles to go for breakfast at the Pittsville Cafe. Then it’s 13 miles to the Roadhouse Bar & Grill in Sherwood, and nothing at all for 26 miles after that.

But we don’t talk about that in this vlog. In fact, we don’t say anything at all for nearly the first four minutes. Quiet days are one of the perks of being out here.

Today I begin telling you a story. Just like this journey, the tale I’m going to tell is an epic, but I’m only going to tell it a little bit at a time. And no, it’s not The Legend of Pedestrio. Anyhow, we’ll see how it goes.

One response to “Day 60: Wisconsin Rapids to Sherwood, WI”

  1. KCT Avatar

    Yes!!! Love the addition of the poem!!!

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