Abner Serd

Author | Humorist | Storyteller

Day 33: Tillsonburg to St. Thomas, ON

As we continue to make our way toward a much-needed hotel stay in St. Thomas (rest, get clean, use the wifi, etc), I muse aloud about the meaning of gorp and why I switched pronouns — using “we” in these vlogs instead of “I”.

We are now a bit more than halfway through the Canadian leg of this journey. We should be at the St Clair River in four days or so. There are no bridges that you’re allowed to walk across, so the plan is to take the ferry to Algonac, Michigan. But that’s at least four days away; in the meantime, let’s enjoy this tiny fraction of all that Ontario has to offer.

6 responses to “Day 33: Tillsonburg to St. Thomas, ON”

  1. Carolyn Stearns Avatar

    You are making great progress.

    1. abner Avatar

      Thanks Carolyn,

      There’s a story in here somewhere: who sees more, the ant or the falcon?

      Hmm …

      1. Pat Avatar

        I am enjoying your blogs while getting a little glimpse of places I will never be. Keep safe.

        1. abner Avatar

          Thanks Pat!

  2. Bull Avatar

    How many people do you think are currently walking across North America somewhere? I mean, who are your ambulatorial peers?

    You’re killing it, by the way. What a thing to do!

    1. abner Avatar

      Good question. I reckon there are a few of us, but it’s a big world, and we’re pretty spread out.

      ‘Course, everybody else walks first, then writes a book about it. So in a sense, you could say I’m walking backward …

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