For the second consecutive night, I camped in a place with little or no signal. The previous night I durn near ran out of battery trying to get the day’s vlog to upload. Last night my phone was already low on charge, so I made an executive decision to put off posting until I reached St Thomas.
Probably won’t be the last time. In fact, I’ll probly hit a lot more Internet-free zones as I travel west. But I’ll keep vlogging, and upload them as soon as I can.
You might notice that I’ve fallen back into an old habit of saying “we” in these vlogs rather than “I”. I’ll talk more about this in tomorrow’s post. For now, I just wanted to assure you there’s nobody else out here with me. It’s just you and I.
One other housekeeping note: I’ve gotten some feedback that I should talk more about how the landscape changes as I move west. Sometimes observations of this sort come out naturally, but I don’t always put the right emphasis on it. I mean, sometimes they come out almost as footnotes rather than the main text.
For example, a few days ago I noted that you can often tell whether the landscape is flat just by looking at a map. Not a relief map – just a plain old street map. If all the roads are straight, and the crossroads are straight, so all you see on the map is a checkerboard pattern, then it’s a pretty good bet you’re looking at flat land. If the territory is extensive, then the land is probably given over to farming.
Try it sometime. If nothing else, it’s a fun game of Guess the Geography.
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