Abner Serd

Author | Humorist | Storyteller

Day 30: Wellandport to Cayuga, ON

When the sign says “Bridge Out,” it rarely means the entire bridge has been washed away. Unless you’re on a movie set, in which case it’s almost a certainty. But cinematic considerations aside, bridges these days are built pretty solidly. Chances are, most of it is still going to be intact. What’s dangerous for a 2,000-pound car to drive across is probably going to be safe for a pedestrian — even one carrying a backpack.

Of course, you never know until you’re there, by which time you’re another two miles down the road. Do you turn back and lose half a day to a detour? Or do you ford that river any way you can?

Also, what happens when you hike all day without breakfast? And why is Cayuga “A Grand Community?” These questions and more are addressed in today’s blog.

2 responses to “Day 30: Wellandport to Cayuga, ON”

  1. Bull Avatar

    Dude, this is the first time I’ve seen your feet, and what the hell, man? Sandals? TO WALK ACROSS THE COUNTRY? Do you need real shoes? Do we need to do a go-fund-me to get you Hokas?

    1. abner Avatar

      Ha! Well, since you brought it up (sort of), let me tell you about a far greater pedestrian than me. Let me tell you a story about a man as old as the hills, who’s been wandering this world since time learned how to count, who’s set foot on every patch of ground on the planet — and … he does it all barefoot.

      Let me tell you The Legend of Pedestrio …

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