Abner Serd

Author | Humorist | Storyteller

Storytelling Performances

As a storyteller, old-fashioned yarns and classic rhyming poetry are my stock-in-trade. I have performed all over the world — not counting all the parts I’ve never been to yet. For brief examples of my own particular brand of humor, you might listen to an episode or two of my Tall Tales & Shaggy Dogs soundcast. Please contact me to schedule a performance!

Abner in 19th-century garb, spinning yarns on a street corner
Abner in 19th-century garb spinning yarns on a dock

Past storytelling engagements include:

Abner in the mountains approaching snow line

Storyteller (noun):

  • a relater of anecdotes
  • a reciter of tales
  • a liar
    • a suspender of disbelief

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